Ketamine Assisted Therapy
Much like any other medication treatment, the benefit for most clients when undergoing ketamine treatment is likely higher when taking medicine alongside ongoing therapy. We work alongside prescribers to coordinate care to facilitate the best outcomes possible when undergoing this treatment. Any risks, qualifying for a prescription, and your particular dosing needs are discussed and determined by your prescriber. Many other networks for ketamine treatment do not work with insurance up front. Please understand that it is entirely feasible to have insurance cover a portion of this treatment and their choice not to work with insurance is driven by their profit, not your care.
Ketamine is an FDA-approved medication, classified as a Schedule III medicine that is frequently used as a general anesthetic in medical procedures, and is currently prescribed for “off-label” use to treat a variety of mental health concerns including treatment resistant depression, PTSD, anxiety, and more. Being off label means that a licensed medical professional is providing an FDA approved medicine for a use that is not officially approved by the agency. This is not an uncommon practice, as there is a widely documented history of medications being developed to treat one condition, but then it is later found that they can also treat other symptoms.
Therapists can work with clients using lower dose ketamine treatments to help reduce the symptoms of treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, PTSD, and chronic pain. Again, this is an off label use, but there is a significant body of research that these are beneficial applications. Clients are encouraged to consult their medical professional about the evidence for ketamine treatments for their specific concerns. At lower doses, ketamine acts as a dissociative psychedelic that can allow for clients to relate and move through their symptoms, and some clients have transpersonal or mystical experiences.
Several expensive ketamine clinics provide the medicine with no therapeutic intervention, which may keep you dependent on follow up visits for a longer period of time, resulting in thousands of dollars of cost that may be avoided with the involvement of a therapeutic component. Every brain is unique so the effects under the medicine vary widely. We are happy to offer a consultation call to discuss more in detail what you may experience depending on your goals and your history.
Importantly, as there are currently no insurance providers that cover three hours of therapy in one day, clients may choose from a variety of options to make the ketamine assisted journey more affordable. Insurance companies are being urged to consider extended coverage for this treatment given the body of evidence for its potential. Divergence does not currently have prescribers on staff, so appointments with an outside prescriber should also be taken into consideration when determining overall cost of treatment. We do partner with facilities that can also allow us to meet with clients via telehealth if receiving IV, intramuscular, or nasal forms of ketamine, as only the lozenges are able to be self-administered.
The ideal approach would involve a three hour, in person session to allow for preparation, a guided therapeutic journey, and some space for integration. With this option, insurance will deny the other two hours and so the remaining fee will need to be covered by the client on a sliding scale basis. We can provide documentation that you can submit to insurance to petition them to reimburse the balance. This is not an option for any clients covered by Medicaid as it is not permissible to charge Medicaid clients anything out of pocket. It is allowable to bill any insurance for both one hour of individual treatment and a group session in the same day.
To allow for full insurance coverage, clients may choose to schedule a prep session the day before their ketamine session, and an integration session the day after their guided journey. Experienced clients also have the option to take their medicine at home independently or via telehealth, especially for follow up doses.
Please note when self administering ketamine lozenges under prescription of a medical provider, clients are not able to drive and are required to agree to have a ride home after treatment. Clients may rest in empty rooms as available or the waiting room if they need to wait for a ride.
Divergence will assign a primary ketamine assisted psychotherapist that has appropriate training in guiding, integration, and trauma work with the medicine. You may meet with other clinicians for preparation sessions to set your intention depending on your primary clinician's availability. At times there may also be preparation or integration groups available, which can additionally reduce cost as they have lower billable rates to insurance, which is helpful if you are meeting a deductible or have a plan that has a high percentage coinsurance. Divergence can also offer an additional clinician to work with prior to, during, or after treatment to allow for more integration and healing with a variety of therapeutic tools outside of psychedelic assisted therapy.
Ketamine assisted psychotherapy typically involves a six session regimen with dosage determined by coordinating care between the KAP therapist, prescribing clinician, and any primary or outside therapists. Follow up sessions may be scheduled based on your individual results. Undergoing this treatment, while beneficial for a large percentage of clients, should not be considered a magic intervention, and we strongly recommend that if you qualify for this treatment you maintain a therapeutic relationship with a clinician for an extended period.
Please use our contact form to schedule a consultation call if you’re interested in this treatment. If you do not already have a prescriber, we can help you find one based on your location.